Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey in Disguise
As much as I wanted to get this up before Thanksgiving, I am sure as teachers you can understand the drowning feeling of trying to get everything done before we have off for a few days. There is never enough time in the day to get everything done, but I wanted to share our Thanksgiving Turkey's in Disguise with you.

I have done this project in every grade that I have taught, and for the kids and myself, it always seems to be a hit and I rarely get repeats or the same disguises from year to year. I know there are a lot of new ideas out now, but this is so simple and engaging for students to do at home with their families. 

Tom doesn't want to be eaten for Thanksgiving so he disguises himself and then must write a story about his adventure! It is hard to see but one of my adorable little kiddos even had his turkey dress up as Sawyer, (my dog), and the story was hysterical! It mentioned that Tom and Sawyer lived happily ever after getting belly rubs and treats from me...ha! I think families also appreciate an easy at home activity that they can do with their children because it is a fun way to get ready for Thanksgiving!

Squanto's Dessert
We are in the middle of our Native American unit which also lines up well with Thanksgiving. The day before break we learned and read about Squanto and the kids had a blast making what I like to call "Squanto's Dessert". In case you are unfamiliar with Squanto, let me give you a little back info on what our story mentioned:

When the people came from Europe and were left with no food, Squanto taught them how to fish and hunt. He told them to put the fish bones in the dirt and it would help their harvest grow. 

The class then made their own version of what happened:
First, we took oreos and crushed them up. We dumped the pieces into a cup, to represent the dirt. Then, we took goldfish and placed them on top of the oreo pieces, to show that they planted fish bones in the soil. Next, we layered the candy corn on top of the goldfish to represent the corn that grew. Finally, the kids retold the story with a partner and were able to chow down on their small delicious treat! They even let me snag a picture to show to you:

Well, I am off to start some Thanksgiving Day cooking. Even though my husband and I couldn't go home for Thanksgiving this year, we are thankful for one another and this area which has allowed us to make some many wonderful friends. May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving wherever you are!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day is a site that I love. My students really enjoy all of the different options to choose from. Voki lets you create avatars, along with adding a voice. Check out Charles. He is our election puppy for our candy bar election we are having today.

Election Puppy

Of course I chose the dog to represent our election since my class knows how crazy I am over my pup Sawyer. They even thought the avatar sort of looked like him.

What do you think? I know that if Sawyer was the one trying to persuade my class on which candy to choose, the class who definitely vote in his favor. Well no matter who or what you are voting for today, I hope your election runs smoothly. Happy voting!

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Beginning of the Blog

Let me start off by saying, that I never thought I would be a blogger. I love looking at other peoples blogs, and enjoy collaborating with others to get new ideas, but me...blogging....unheard of...UNTILL NOW! 

I just got back from a conference which really opened my eyes as to how easy blogging could be. And the inner organizational freak came out and thought this would also be a great way to organize and store all of my documents and web findings. 

So bear with me as I work through the beginning setup, but check back to get the latest updates of what's happening here in second grade!